
Privacy Policy

General Introduction:

At Madhurs, safeguarding your personal data and respecting your privacy rights are paramount. We are fully committed to ensuring that your information is handled securely and transparently in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Our Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect personal information on the websites and applications (referred to as "the Platform") where this policy is published or linked. This policy complies with the relevant legislation in the regions where we operate, and we may provide additional privacy notices tailored to specific regions where necessary.

Please take the time to review this policy carefully, as it explains the purposes for which we may process your personal data when you use the Platform or any associated services. By using our Platform or services, you acknowledge that you have read and understood how we handle personal data.

It's important to note that this policy applies specifically to the groups of individuals outlined within it. If you have any questions or concerns about how we handle your data, please don't hesitate to reach out.


Purpose of Data Processing:

Your personal data will be processed for the purposes outlined in this policy, which adhere to applicable laws and provide you with choices and controls over your information. We may use the information collected from you or your associated devices to:

  1. Facilitate your registration as a user and the creation of your account.
  2. Deliver our services in accordance with the Legal Notice and relevant Terms & Conditions, as well as any future agreements with our users.
  3. Address inquiries or information requests from users or customers promptly.
  4. Display advertisements uploaded by users or customers on our websites.
  5. Keep you informed about our services, activities, projects, updates, and new features of our website(s) or application(s) through notices or newsletters sent via email and/or other electronic means.
  6. Personalize content and experiences by using the information provided to generate user profiles, enabling tailored advertisements, products, or services from Madhurs or our partners.
  7. Operate, understand, optimize, develop, or enhance our websites, products, services, and operations.
  8. Identify, investigate, and prevent activities that may violate our policies or are deemed illegal.
  9. Manage your participation in contests or prizes.
  10. Publish your comments (if applicable) as a registered user.

Rest assured, we handle your personal data responsibly and in compliance with applicable regulations. If you have any questions or concerns about the use of your data, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.


Personal data collected:

Madhurs may have access to the following categories of personal data:

a) Personal data provided by users:

  • Name
  • Telephone number
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Date of Birth

b) Personal data automatically collected by Madhurs:

As you engage with our website, we may automatically collect Technical Data about your device (such as IP address and device details), browsing actions, and patterns. This personal data is gathered through the use of cookies, server logs, and similar technologies. Additionally, we may receive Technical Data about you from other websites that use our cookies:

  • Device data: including operating system, version, or unique identifiers (e.g., mobile network name).
  • Navigation data: comprising information about your interactions on our websites, such as the sites you accessed ours from, searches performed, visit dates and times, interaction with ads, created alerts, and duration of visits. This data enables us to suggest ads or products similar to your interests and personalize the ads you see.

If you choose to register using a social network profile (such as Facebook or Google), this is entirely voluntary. By doing so, in addition to your social network username, we may access other personal data from your profile, such as your address, name, identifier, gender, picture, contacts, groups, preferences, hobbies, and other data, subject to your privacy settings on that network. We will only access the data you authorize these entities to share with us, and solely for the same purposes as if you registered directly with us. Prior to registering through this option, you will receive information about this process, but we advise reviewing the Terms and Conditions of those platforms before granting authorization to us. Please note that without certain minimum information, we cannot create a user account.

While registering for our services is voluntary, providing information for category "a" is mandatory to enable us to deliver our services. Fields requiring mandatory information are typically marked with an asterisk or a warning sign to inform you of this requirement. Failure to provide this information will result in our inability to provide the services requested.


Legal Basis:

Madhurs processes your personal data based on the following legal grounds:

  1. Contractual Obligations: We process your data as necessary to manage accounts and provide our services in accordance with our agreements.
  2. Compliance with Legal Requirements: Your data may be processed to fulfil legal obligations that apply to Madhurs.
  3. Legitimate Interests: We process your data to inform you about Madhurs products and services and to communicate with you using the contact details provided, based on our legitimate interests.
  4. Consent: Your data may be processed based on your consent to receive communications about Madhurs and related topics using the contact details you provide.


Sharing Your Information with Other Entities:

Madhurs shares your personal data with other entities under the following circumstances:

  • Portals or Platforms for Advertisements: Your data may be shared with portals or platforms where advertisements are published.

For all other purposes, your personal data will not be shared, sold, or disclosed, except as required by law.

Additionally, upon your request for data portability, we will transmit your data to the designated recipient.

Furthermore, depending on the purpose of collecting your personal data:

  • Third-Party Service Providers: Personal data may be accessible to third-party service providers who process data on behalf of Madhurs, following our instructions and implementing appropriate security measures.
  • Other Madhurs Group Companies: Your data may be accessible to other companies within the Madhurs group for internal management purposes, in accordance with applicable privacy laws.


Your Rights:

You have certain rights under applicable data protection laws:

  1. Right to Access: You can request access to your personal data held by Madhurs and obtain a copy of it.
  2. Right to Erasure: You can request the deletion of your personal data.
  3. Right to Rectification: You can request the correction of any inaccurate or incomplete personal data.
  4. Right to Withdraw Consent: You can withdraw your consent for the processing of your personal data. However, this will not affect the legality of processing based on consent before withdrawal.
  5. Right to File a Complaint: You have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant Data Protection Authority in your country or region.
  6. Right to Data Portability: You can request the transfer of your personal data to another data controller.
  7. Right to Restriction of Processing: You can request a restriction on the processing of your personal data.
  8. Right to Object: You can object to the processing of your personal data.
  9. Right Not to be Subject to Automated Decision Making: You have the right not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing of your personal data.

Please note that if you exercise your right to erasure, all personal data associated with your account, as well as any information or content in your profile, will be deleted. Additionally, if erasure of personal data necessary for providing services on the Platform is requested, Madhurs may terminate its relationship with you, resulting in the termination of your account without the right to file any claims. Erasure will be carried out in compliance with applicable data protection regulations.

You can exercise your rights by sending a written request to Madhurs corporate address, as indicated in our Legal Notice, along with a photocopy of your ID card or equivalent identification document.

Important: Some of the rights listed above may not be applicable to you due to applicable data protection legislation. If you attempt to exercise a right that is not applicable, we will be unable to proceed with it. Please check your applicable rights beforehand to avoid any inconvenience.


How We Protect Your Personal Data:

Madhurs implements security measures to prevent the accidental loss, misuse, or unauthorized access of your personal information, as well as its improper alteration or disclosure. Access to your personal information is restricted to third parties who require it for business purposes only. In such cases, we ensure that your personal information is processed in accordance with our instructions and protected by confidentiality obligations.

We have procedures in place to detect and respond to security breaches, and we will notify you and relevant privacy regulators of any breaches in accordance with our legal obligations. However, it's important to note that while we take diligent measures to protect your data, no security measures on the internet are completely impregnable.


How Long We Keep Your Personal Data:

We will process your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

The duration for which we retain your data is determined by:

  • The purpose for which your personal data was collected, and our compliance with that purpose. Your data will be retained as long as your account is active, or until you cancel your account.
  • The basis for collecting your personal data, such as your ability to revoke consent at any time.
  • Obligations for mandatory data retention under contractual and regulatory provisions.

Please note that in some cases, Madhurs may be obligated to retain certain personal data of users for an additional period of time, as required by applicable data protection regulations.



Professionals working with Madhurs are bound by confidentiality obligations and are prohibited from disclosing or using any information they may access. Any information provided by you will be treated as confidential and used solely for the management of your account and/or the services provided by Madhurs. We undertake not to disclose your information unless legally required to do so.


International Transfers:

Madhurs operates globally, and in some cases, it may be necessary to transfer your personal data to third countries for operational purposes. We may transfer your personal data to service providers necessary for providing our services.

We will only transfer the minimum required data to comply with the purposes stated in this privacy policy.

If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA) and your data is transferred outside the EEA, we will:

  • Process your personal data in a territory that the European Commission has determined to provide an adequate level of protection. Otherwise, we will ensure that adequate safeguards are in place to protect your personal data, such as EU standard contractual clauses, Binding Corporate Rules (BCR), codes of conduct, or similar legal mechanisms. You can request additional information about the mechanisms used by contacting our Data Protection Officer at privacy@madhurs.co.uk.


Special Categories of Data:

We will not collect or process any particularly sensitive personal data unless explicitly provided by you. Special categories of personal data include information related to race/ethnicity, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, health data, sexual orientation, or information about criminal offenses or convictions.


Policy Regarding the Use of the Platform by Children:

The Platform is not intended for or directed at children under the age of sixteen (16) without parental or legal guardian authorization. We do not intentionally collect information from individuals under this age. If parents or legal guardians believe that their children have provided us with personal data without their consent, they should notify us immediately.


Direct Marketing:

We undertake not to use your personal data for direct marketing purposes without your express consent. However, if we have a business relationship with you, we may send you information about our products or services based on our legitimate interests.

If, at any time, you wish to stop receiving commercial or promotional information from Madhurs or third parties, you can unsubscribe directly from marketing campaigns free of charge by contacting us or using the opt-out button in your account preferences. You can also use the opt-out procedure provided in any promotional messages received from Madhurs.

Please note that even if you choose not to subscribe to or unsubscribe from promotional emails or newsletters, we may still need to contact you for non-commercial purposes, such as resolving issues, detecting and preventing errors, or complying with the Legal Notice and operational procedures of the Platform.


Automated Decision-Making:

Madhurs integrates content from various classified ads websites into our Platform and directs quality traffic to their advertisements. Additionally, we generate additional traffic by delivering relevant ads to users at the right time through our native advertising products. We use automated decision-making processes to respond to your preferences on the Platform's search engine to provide quality services aligned with your preferences.

We also create user profiles using cookies (with your consent) and similar technologies to collect information about your searches, clicked ads or sections, recently visited ads, or ads shown to you on our websites. This information enables us to suggest relevant recommendations based on your searches or visited ads, and to display personalized ads related to your interests. We may also store your pseudonymized IP address to send you location-based commercial communications.


Links to Other Websites, Applications, or Platforms:

The Platform may contain links to other websites, applications, or platforms that we believe may be informative and useful to you. However, please note that we neither endorse nor recommend the content or services provided on these sites, and we are not responsible for their privacy policies or terms of use. Therefore, we recommend that you review the privacy policies of any websites you visit. Please remember that the provisions outlined in this Privacy Policy are only applicable to personal data collected or processed by Madhurs.


Amendments to the Privacy Policy:

We will only use your personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy applicable at the time of collection. Madhurs reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time by publishing the updated version on our Platform. Therefore, we recommend that you review the Privacy Policy each time you access the Platform. You can determine if any revisions have been made by referring to the date of the last update. By continuing to use the Platform after such changes, you signify your acceptance of them.

If we decide to use personal data for purposes other than those stated at the time of collection, we will notify you of such changes via email, provided we have your email address. If your consent is required, you will have the opportunity to authorize or reject these new purposes.

In the event that any clause of this Privacy Policy is declared invalid or unenforceable, this shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining terms and conditions, which shall remain in full force and effect in accordance with applicable laws.


Last Updated: 18.04.2024


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