High quality: Polyester with a density 60% higher than usual in the market. It has excellent windproof and warm-keeping quality.,Design:The bottom of the eiderdown garment adopts unique crumples. This was coupled with fashion design and manifested unique practicability of magnificence but at the same time not too overt.,Details: Featuring a warm fleece-lined hood, unique side zippers, and 6 big pockets, it is friendly and cute for you to enjoy outdoor activity on wintry days.,Windproof and Cold Protection: The hat has artificial fiber inside, making it fluffy and soft. Rib-knit cuffs keep the wind out and keep you warm. There are zippers on both sides of the hem, so you can move more freely and make you more comfortable in your daily life in the middle of winter.,Occasion: This women's down jacket is perfect for everyday winter use and suffices for outdoor activities as well. With this coat, you could look fashionable while keeping warm.
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