High-Quality Materials: This coat is constructed with top-notch materials to ensure both durability and warmth, providing you with a long-lasting and comfortable garment that you can rely on.,Design: Our quilted jacket features a flattering H-slim fit style that accentuates your figure, while the mid-length design offers warmth, windproof, and wearability. The coat's loose sleeve design allows for comfortable shoulder movement.,Details: The zip and snap double placket design on this coat provides extra insulation and protection from the wind and cold. The stand collar on this coat adds an extra layer of warmth around your neck, protecting you from the cold weather.,Pockets and Colors: Multiple Convenient Pockets provide more space for your essentials. Available in green, orange, and black, this coat can be worn formally or casually in a variety of colors to complement your outfit and is a great addition to your wardrobe.,Ideal for any Occasion: Versatile design that can be dressed up or down for any occasion. Whether you're shopping, working, schooling, hiking, camping, or skiing, this quilted coat is the perfect choice for any activity, providing you with warmth, comfort, and style.
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