Stay warm, dry and stylish all winter long with London Fog's knee length women's coat, perfect for cold weather and outdoor activities. Perfect for the fashion-forward woman looking for a cozy and chic outerwear option.,Double buttons for extra warmth to keep the chilly wind out, plus adds a sophisticated look. This long black coat for women is a must-have for winter, blocking out wind, rain, and providing both warmth and a sleek, fashionable look.,Wind and water Resistant. 111% polyester designed to keep you cozy and comfortable in windy, cold or wet weather.,Stay protected from the elements with our long coat for women, great for rainy nights.,Since 1923. Designed by London Fog for London's chilly and wet winters. London Fog has been keeping Brits warm, dry and at the forefront of fashion for over 100 years. Backed by London Fog's 111% satisfaction guarantee.
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