Style inspired by the 80's: laid-back sneaker updated with a new tennis silhouette. Puma's dual-density insole provides two unique layers of cushioning thus adding extra comfort to the trainers.,The gymnastics shoe features a premium soft leather upper which is accented by a perforated vamp, bold Puma formstripe and foil print branding on the lateral side of the tennis shoe.,The casual shoe features a rubber outsole for grip, lace closure for a snug fit and a new elevated platform cupsole tooling with texture interest in the toe and heel area. The sports shoes' durability offers comfort for every step of the day.,Puma's footwear is perfect for both professionals and amateurs. The wide array of sneakers are always a game-changer and add a tad of style to any outfit no matter how casual or modern.,These trainers are made out of innovative and high-quality materials. The sports shoes by Puma captivate through their modern design, thus becoming the core piece of every leisure outfit.
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