Step into elegance and warmth with the Faux Fur Longline Coat, a glamorous addition to your autumn and winter formal wardrobe. Designed with a sophisticated rever collar and long sleeves, this fully lined coat embodies timeless sophistication.,Side pockets offer both style and functionality, adding a practical touch to the design. The plain knitted fabric is lined with luxurious faux fur for an opulent yet comfortable feel.,With a full length of 89cm, it wraps you in warmth and style, making a statement suitable for all ages. Pair it effortlessly with jeans and boots for an ensemble that combines sophistication and modernity.,The popper fastenings add a classic finish to this chic outerwear. Embrace the allure and luxury of this faux fur longline coat, a perfect fusion of elegance and comfort that will effortlessly elevate your separates collection.,Please click our store link to visit the Roman shop and see our entire range.
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