The REFLECT360 CRS Plus is the merger of two of our cycling jackets. The REFLECT360 Plus & the REFLECT360 CRS are both fantastic cycling jackets. We have combined the two jackets to give the best of both cycling jacket to deliver a hybrid.,The REFLECT360 CRS Plus is the more technical version of the REFLECT360 CRS jacket which in itself was a unique jacket as it brought the first ever fully reflective jacket to be manufactured in different colours.,The REFLECT360 CRS Plus utilises a highly technical film to ensure higher rates of breathability (10,000/24hr) & waterproofing (10,000 mm), while still delivering the amazing reflectivity that the whole REFLECT360 range has become renowned for.,The unique lighter weight material we have worked tirelessly on will help those who like to push things a little bit harder, to stay cool.,The material has millions of tiny reflective beads embedded in the material so when a vehicle's headlights hit the jacket, the beads reflect the light back to the light source meaning the driver is able to identify the cyclist further in advance.
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