Introducing the CRESTON by Northwest Territory, your go-to walking and hiking companions for all occasions! These high-cut walking boots combine comfort and durability.,The tough leather upper is naturally water-repellent and built to last. With the breathable NWTDRY Performance Comfort membrane, your feet stay dry and comfortable in any weather, as it ensures complete waterproofing without compromising on comfort.,The CRESTON features a high-traction outsole with balanced tread, providing optimal foot-rolling characteristics and exceptional grip.,The generous collar opening makes it effortless to slip your feet into the boots. 3 eyelet, 2 hook fastening. Durable rubber out-sole and fully padded insole.,Whether it's a leisurely Sunday hike or an adventurous hut-to-hut tour, the CRESTON from Northwest Territory guarantees unmatched comfort every step of the way.
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