High-quality workmanship: the stylish and sporty men's shirt in a great and trendy design. The material of this men's short-sleeved shirt is made from lightweight yet high-quality fabrics and provides a pleasant feel.,Perfect fit: the men's shirt in regular fit adapts perfectly to your body thanks to its trendy cut. The trendy shirt for men is made of high-quality material and can be combined in any creative way.,Combination options: the elegant and modern men's short sleeve beach shirt adapts to any everyday situation (for holidays, leisure or at a party) and can be combined in different styles. A cool, modern and casual men's shirt for summer, autumn, spring as well as warm winter days.,Leif Nelson: we are a young company and produce first-class women's and men's clothing in all possible colours and sizes (regular fit, slim fit, oversize). With us, you will find what you need. From men's casual shirts, business shirts, short-sleeved shirts to linen shirts and summer shirts.,✅ Box contents: the package includes a shirt available in sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL.
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