Versatile delicate crochet lace knit poncho which can be worn in different ways for any ocassion.,Perfect light summer wrap, or to complement a top or dress available in a wide variety of bold and beautiful colours. Great accessory to dress up your outfit while still maintaining a casual look.,The light fabric makes it easy to slip into your handbag to bring out as a wrap when needed. Makes great arm cover.,This garment is delicate and can snag similar to tights. The lace is very stretchy and although the shrug looks tiny when unpacked, it fits small sizes and larger ones too as it stretches without losing it's shape. Take advantage of the huge selection of colours we offer to match up with all your tops and dresses! The lace is very stretchy and although the shrug looks tiny when unpacked, it fits small sizes and larger ones too as it stretches without losing it's shape.,All garments are checked for defect before dispatch. Fits sizes UK 6-14 70% Acrylic 30% Polyamide
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