This versatile addition to your wardrobe will keep the cold at bay with a high neck, soft faux fur trimmed hood and padding. This warm textured coatigan has zipped front pockets and long sleeves.,Wear all day whenever the cold and rainy weather strikes. Dress up with heels for those wintery nights out or use on a daily basis for casualwear or work.,Fastened with a zip and poppers, this everyday cosy coat is perfect for the colder seasons with a fully lined inside and padding. This showerproof coat is water resistant, rain resistant, shower resistant and wind resistant, snow resistant. This flattering coat has a detachable hood and elasticated waist to flatter the figure and provide a comfortable fit.,Please click our logo at the top of the page to visit our store and see our entire range of apparel.,This Wet Weather coat is fashionable puffy lightweight formal thick fitted and warming. Suitable as eveningwear or daywear
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