Available in an extensive range of sizes from 2XL to 8XL, this plain shirt comes in three classic colors: black, navy blue, and white and expertly compliments the larger statue of the bigger man.,Designed for those who struggle to find shirts that offer a generous fit, the Espionage Clayton Long Sleeve Shirt is tailored to provide ample room in both the chest and length, ensuring a comfortable and flattering look. The button-down collar and full front fastening add a touch of sophistication to this versatile shirt, making it suitable for both casual and formal occasions.,Whether you need a shirt for a business meeting, a night out, or a casual weekend outing, the Espionage Clayton Long Sleeve Shirt has you covered. Its timeless design and neutral color options make it easy to pair with a variety of outfits and accessories.,Crafted 60% Cotton and 40% Polyester, the Espionage Clayton Long Sleeve Shirt not only looks good but also offers durability and long-lasting wear. Say goodbye to ill-fitting shirts and hello to the perfect fit with this wardrobe essential for big and tall men.,SEE SIZE IMAGES adjacent to main image for the sizing details for this item.
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