Stay Warm and Cozy - The warm puffer jacket boasts a waterproof coating and robust construction efficiently traps body warmth. The thick construction of the winter coat for women keeps you warm against the chilly breeze, lets you indulge in superior support and warmth even under challenging weather conditions.,Keep Rain Out - Don’t let snow, light rain, or strong gusts of wind ruin your outdoor trips. The long winter coat for women has a DWR finish with 3000mm waterproof rating that keeps your body warm and dry under light rain for about 2-3 hours.,Winter Coats That Lasts - The winter jackets are made from durable, breathable, and soft fabric, ensuring all-day comfort. Our cotton is thick, fluffy, and warm, ensuring that you stay comfortable and cozy, even in the coldest winter weather.,Practical Puffer Jackets - Keep your valuables with you at all times! The waterproof puffer coat for women employ 2 zippered pockets which are reinforced for further safety of your essentials, and keep everything you need within reach.,Versatile Style - The long puffer jacket for women features an elastic cuffs, 2-way zipper and adjustable waist. Tighten the waist belt of long puffer coats for a better, figure-flattering fit. Easy to carry for your different daily activities.
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